Sponge Activities




In this game, nobody wants to hold the rubber chicken (or other prop) -- the game's only prop! To begin the game, all students sit in a circle. Select one person to be It. That person holds the rubber chicken or prop. The teacher or a "caller" says to the person holding the chicken, "Name five presidents of the United States. Pass the chicken!" As soon as the caller says, "Pass the chicken," the person holding the chicken passes it to the right. Students quickly pass the chicken around the circle. If it returns to the original holder before he or she can name five presidents of the United States, the holder is still It. Otherwise, the person holding the chicken when It finishes listing five presidents is the new It. You should prepare the topic cards for this game in advance. Topics can relate to your curriculum or be general information topics. The student who is It must name five items in the called-out category in order to get rid of the dreaded chicken!

Some Suggested Topics

·         fast-food restaurants, authors of children's books, countries in South America, sports teams, things that grow in the desert, vegetables, cartoon characters, musical groups, cereals, etc. 


Double Dice Duels 

The following math sponge activities reinforce skills that each student needs to master. However, while they are practicing these skills students are also enjoying the time spent on the activity.

  • Two Plus Two is Fun: The first person who adds his or her numbers together correctly wins. Hands up & Whoop!. Say the problem and answer. First student to 20 wins. (grade 1-2)
  • Just the Facts Man: The first person who can write a fact family using both dice correctly wins. Hands up & Whoop! (grade 1-4)
  • Number Spy: The first person to identify the number represented on one of their dice wins. Hands up & Whoop! (Pre K- K)