Day 1
Vocabulary Introduction
TN Standards:
· Recognize and use grade appropriate vocabulary within context.
· Determine the meaning of unfamiliar words using context clues, dictionaries, and glossaries
· Make inferences and draw appropriate conclusions from text.
· TSW generate initial responses to the concept of segregation through a one minute paper.
· TSW list the feelings that come to mind in response to Hank Aaron’s quote.
· TSW define black history terms in co-operative groups.
· ABK/RRL/IAL: Have students go to one side of room depending on how they answer. Yes (right) No (left) Has there ever been a time when you felt left out or disliked? Explain that throughout the morning we will be doing an activity that is similar to an actual event in history. Have students divide into two groups brown eyes or not brown eyes. Those that do not have brown eyes will not be able to do a list of activities that those with brown eyes choose. My only guidance in rules will be to make sure everyone is safe. Then, during midmorning each group will switch and they will have to abide to the rules while those without brown eyes have free choice. Characteristics for segregation will also be changed throughout the morning.
· Before reading, students will have one minute to respond to the activity that they participated in.
· Read Hank Aaron’s quote
o “I never doubted my ability, but when you hear all your life you’re inferior, it makes you wonder if the other guys have something you’ve never seen before.”
o As a class make a list of feelings that you think Hank Aaron felt.
Vocab Words
Civil Rights
Instruction: Jigsaw
· Have students divide into five groups. Assign each group two terms from vocab list (right)
· Students are to generate an initial definition to the word.
· Students then in groups use dictionary, thesaurus to look up words to find antonyms, synonyms, and definition (See worksheet below)
· Depending on number of students in initial 5 groups, students will divide again into groups and teach classmates the word and information they need.
· Class comes together as whole and discuss every word and sentence examples
· Have student verbalize how these words related to the experience that they had during the morning. What is the importance of knowing these words? Do you think these words still come up in today’s world?
· Have students take pretest of vocab words
· Take up group work keeping groups together.