Day 2

Dear Willie Rudd



·         Identify the audience for which a text is written

·         Identify the purpose for writing (entertain, inform, share experiences)

·         Recognize cause-effect relationships within context

·         Make appropriate predictions about text



·         TWBAT predict the conclusion of a text when given an excerpt of that text.

·         TSWBAT practice positive discussion interactions such as taking turns, responding to others, making eye contact.

·         TSWBAT identify the audience and purpose for writing of Dear Willie Rudd

·         TSWBAT explain Elizabeth’s reasoning for writing a letter to Willie Rudd.



·         Whiteboard, markers,

·         Dear Willie Rudd

·         Dear Willie Rudd Discussion Questions



·         ABK/IAL: Have students find a partner in the class. Have the students discuss what they expect to cover in the thematic unit.

·         RRL/IAL: Have students close their eyes. I will read pgs 4-6 of Dear Willie Rudd. As a class complete IEPC.

o   Imagine – have students imagine what the characters look like, what the setting looks like, how she feels when remembering

o   Elaborate – Ask for any other details that the students pictured in their mind while I was reading the text

o   Predict – have students predict what the story will be about (more detailed than she remembered. What did she remember past what we are told? What will happen in the story) Use various predictions in their own words

o   Confirm- see below

·         LL: we are going to Read Willie Rudd in its entirety. We are going to come back to our list and check our predictions and think about what this story can tell us about Black History






·         Read Dear Willie Rudd



What was Elizabeth writing to tell Willie Rudd?


Why would Elizabeth made Willie Rudd sad?

How was Willie Rudd treated in the book?

Were African Americans ever really treated in the same way as Willie Rudd?


Would you treat one of your older friends, aunts, babysitter the way Willie Rudd was treated? Why or why not?

Are there times that we treat people in a bad way because of the way they look, dress or sound? Why do we do this?


Can you explain why Elizabeth apologized?


Do you think Elizabeth should apologize to Willie Rudd? Why?

Should Elizabeth’s family have apologized to Willie Rudd?


How do you think Willie Rudd would react if Elizabeth apologized before she had passed away?

What would have happened if Elizabeth had not loved Willie Rudd?



·         Revisit IEPC to check their predictions and confirm details that students listed



·         Make a web of what students learned from story Dear Willie Rudd. Use their responses to connect the literature with history. Ask students for their responses and what they learned from the book and discussion.


One Minute Journal: Have students take the place of a 4th grade child that was African American and lived in the times that Willie Rudd lived? Have them quickly journal how they would feel if they were treated in such a way? How would they react? Take up to use for later use with Abby Takes a Stand